Hearing Instruments DON'T Make You OLD, They Make You SMART.
We do more than help people hear better,
we help them to lead fuller and more productive lives.

"He who has ears to hear, let him here."
EXPERIENCE COUNTS. Celebrating 55 years of SERVICE to Southern Alberta in 2017.
- Hearing Tests
- Medical Referrals as required
- Third Party Funding – AADL, DVA, WCB-AB, NIHB, Etc.
- Dispensing of QUALITY Hearing Instruments – 3 Major Factories
- Repairs, Accessories, Second Opinions, Reprogramming
- Batteries, Assistive Devices – TV Ears
- Dizzy Fix – BPPV
- Video Ears Scans – Video Otoscopy
- Spin Dr. – Saves REPAIRS
- Hearing Protection for Noise, Swim moulds, Musician Plugs, Etc.
- TEP – Tinnitus Evaluation & Rehabilitation, and Referral

Michael Golia and his wife Beth own and operate Trinity Hearing. Together they have over 77 years’ experience in the Health Care Industry. Michael has been a distinguished member of the Hearing Care Community since 1962 and Beth was a Medical Lab Technician for twenty-five years.
Michael started in the Hearing Care Profession at the age of 15, working with Fred Leister, the first Hearing Aid Dispenser in Alberta. “Fred wrote the book on ear-mold technology and venting and Michael was privileged to work with and learn from Fred for 14 years”. In 1982 Michael became a Hearing Aid Practitioner after graduating from Alberta College in Edmonton. After graduation, he worked for Beltone for two years and then started his own practice, Wildrose Hearing Care Service. In 1988 Michael returned to the Beltone Network, joining Steve Murphy in the Lethbridge office, for eight years. During this time Michael earned the Beltone Master Hearing Aid Specialist Award, an honour which he still cherishes today. In 1989 Michael became a Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist. In 1995, Michael was licensed in the state of Montana.
In 1997 Michael set up a new office, Trinity Hearing Instrument Specialist Inc. This modern, progressive office was one of the first in Canada to offer video otoscope; this allows one to see inside your ears in colour on TV. He also specialized in the fitting of programmable completely-in-the-canal instruments.
Michael’s philosophy is “We do more than help people hear better, we help them to lead fuller and more productive lives. ‘This is a big responsibility, one that demands empathy and understanding. We have to get as close as possible to each of our patients, they become friends.”
Trinity Hearing Lethbridge provides a full range of services including hearing tests, cleaning and repairs to all makes and models, as well as hearing instruments to fit everyone’s budget. Come in and see Michael and learn of the many new and exciting products available.
Michael B. Golia, BC-HIS*, RHAP-Alberta
Board Certified Hearing Instrument Specialist
Registered Hearing Aid Practitioner
- Registered hearing aid practitioner since 1982
- Board certified hearing instrument specialist since 1988
- Member of the College of Hearing Aid Practitioners of Alberta
- Member of the International Hearing Society
- President of Trinity Hearing Inc.
- Owner and manager of Trinity Hearing Instrument Specialists Inc.
Beth Golia: VP, Secretary & Office Manager
For 25+ years Beth worked as a medical lab technician specialising in blood services.
Today, Beth is an integral part of this hearing practice—setting appointments, entering accounting data, billing procedures, banking, shipping and receiving.
Beth does it all—and she makes a great cup of coffee—why not drop in and visit us.
We offer some of the most advanced Hearing Technology, New Procedures, Products, and Services

- Video Earscan – See your ears on TV in colour, magnified 30X (Video Otoscope)
- Huge 8X8 Walk-in Sound Booth
- Auracare – Preventive Maintenance Procedure- Vacuums wax, Depressures H20
- Audioscan – Real Ear Verification Procedure
- Audioscope – Screen Tests Hearing in just 60 seconds
- Comparator – Instantly, in real time, compares old instrument to new circuits
- DSL Speech Mapping – Fitting and Verification Procedure. Benefit- clearer speech at comfortable levels even in noise. Not happy with present fitting…try Speech Mapping
- EAR Insert Mic Testing – We do not test using Headphones
- AA30 Two Channel Digital Clinical Audiometer – State of the art TESTING
- Tympanometry – Impedance Bridge Testing of the Middle Ear
- Custom Hearing Protection Devices – Noise Breakers, Swim molds, Musicians Earplugs, Shooters Protection, Monitors, etc.
- Earplanes – Stop Pain while flying
- FRESH POWER ONE & Rayovac Batteries – Everyday LOW prices & lower by the box prices.
- Eargene – For itchy ears
- EXCLUSIVE 3 year Factory REPAIR warranty, 2-year LOSS insurance (included on all instruments)
- ALL MAKE-Repair Services
- TEP – Tinnitus Evaluation Program – Testing, Consultation Treatment.
- “HELP others HEAR” – Donate OLD-Working Instruments to the ROTARY CLUB of Calgary (through this office). They will be distributed and fit in the 3rd World as needed.
- ProEar by Miracell – Relief to irritated, itchy ears. Helps restore keratin layer of tissue to ear canals.
- PRAYER – Changes Everything – We Pray for each Patient’s needs. God answers Prayer.

Monday - Friday 9am - 4pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Michael Golia
Since 1962
INTERAC, Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, Medicard, CASH, and GOOD personal or business CHEQUES.
Bernafon, Phonak, Unitron, TV Ears, Oto Hearing,
DizzyFix, PowerOne Batteries and Spin Doctor
Send Us A Message
#214-740-4 Ave. S.
Professional Bldg.
(Downtown, next door to Post Office)